How to convert BMP (Windows Bitmap / OS2 Bitmap) to PDF 1. Put all your Windows Bitmap or OS2 Bitmap that you want to convert to PDF in a folder, 2. Select one or more images to be converted to PDF, and right-click your mouse on any image, and then a menu pops up, choose Print 3. The following Print Wizard appears, and you will be prompted to choose a printer, paper size, and image quality. To convert your images to Adobe PDF, you are required to choose Virtual PDF Printer in the printer list, 4. By default you get Full Page Photo (i.e. one picture for each PDF page) in the output PDF file. You might arrange two pictures per PDF page, or four pictures per page, or even more pictures per page by selecting a layout from the layout list on the right column of the Print Wizard, 5. Once you confirm that the printer is Virtual PDF Printer, paper size is the one of your preference, just click Print button to continue. You will be asked to specify the output PDF file, 6. Here we specify the name of the output PDF to be Album2011.PDF, and the destination location is Library\Documents on Windows 7. The Print Wizard starts the conversion of BMP / Bitmap images to PDF now with a progress bar as the indicator.
7. When the conversion completes, you get the output PDF file Alubm2011.PDF, 8. Double-click on the result PDF file, and it will be opened in Adobe Reader,
Other Way to convert BMP to PDF 1. Start your graphics processing software (Here, we take Microsoft Paint as an example) 2. Open a BMP image document 3. Select from main menu "File"->"Print" 4. Select Printer "Virtual PDF Printer" 5. If you need to adjust PDF generation options, click the "Property" button on the right 6. Click "OK" 7. A dialog will pop up, assign the folder and file name of the PDF document to be generated 8. Congratulations! You have converted BMP to PDF document now. The above instructions apply when you are to convert BMP to PDF on Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019. All our software is virus-free and Trojan-free, all download links are from reliable sources as claimed.
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